Thursday, February 3, 2011

a new life ....

Well I have started a new life here very recently and it has been amazing!  I am pretty shy by nature so putting me out there on a blog is a BIG major step, but so much has changed in my life in the last year that I want to share.  I am a busy mom of three beautiful children, and my husband is very supportive and loving.  I was very overweight and depressed and no rays of sunshine could get through, not even when brought in by my blessed family.  But then I started my own Work from Home Business in which I sell very nutritional herbal products. Then I lost 45 pounds and over 35 inches!  Then my self esteem started to blossom and I started to gain more confidence in myself.  Low and behold the clouds have lifted, the rays of sunshine have broken through and my life is back on track.  The most amazing thing is the volunteering I have been doing for our local Girl Scouts and my daughter’s troop!  I know that all of this is only possible because of the change in my frame of mind!  


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