Friday, June 24, 2011

Wow, The Kids R Home!

Well, welcome summer!  Kids are out of school and well…..
When does school start again?  Oh, ok, not until August? I think I might make it! 
Summer days are crazy days and with the heat we have had here in southeast Texas already, and with the lack of rain, it is going to be a very long summer indeed.  I do believe we will be living at the pool! Or the library, or any restaurant with a playground, for that matter!  We were playing in the sprinkler a lot and playing in the hose while Daddy waters the back garden but now even that is coming to a halt due to the lack rain in our area.  It is way too hot to play outside during the day so we have been finding all kinds of ways to keep cool and get to play.  The kids play and swim while Mom cleans and chases down laundry. Yes, crazy long summer days are just getting started here.
I was quite proud of the kids so far this summer. They are getting back into the swim groove much faster this year.  Thanks to a dear friend, my #1 and #2 found their confidence quickly and are swimming up a storm.  My 5yr old (#3) is the only one that just does not seem to get the kick and scoop down.  When he is in his “floatie” ring he is all over the pool, kicking his feet like a champ and working those arms!  Take the ring away and HE SINKS! He forgets that you have to keep kicking and scooping to stay above the water!  So, he will just keep that “floatie” on for a little while longer I guess.  We will have to see how he progresses throughout the summer. 
This summer is going to long, hot, and full of fun!  I am soaking up the kid time this summer because when school starts I will be alone all day long as even my youngest will now be in school for a full day.  He is so ready for Kindergarten he is just busting at the seams!  I actually think he is ready for college, but what do I know!  He has that engineering mentality already, and is very deliberate and methodical about everything he does.  He is so amazing and feel very bless every day that he is my son!  I love to see how each of my children are so very different, each amazing in their own ways!  Yes, I know I started out that I just can’t wait for school to start, like the kids are driving me crazy (and really they are), but the truth is that I am blessed to have these three beautiful souls as my children!  God chose them for me and I thank Him every day for this blessing.
“So, what do we do next Mom?”  How about we just see what tomorrow will bring as we pass through these long lazy summer days!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Another Day...

Have you ever just had one of those weeks where you would love a "DO OVER"?  That has been this week for me, thank goodness it is almost over!  Here is my every week in a nutshell!  My week runs 90 to nothin' starting on Monday with scouts for my oldest son and my daughter on Mondays and Tuesdays, housework, homework, and speech therapy for my daughter twice a week.  "What do you mean you don't have any clean jeans in your drawer?"  Oh My Gosh! Is the laundry that backed up again?  I just finished it all! Then this week has been even more trying on the nerves, Oh well!  With nerves on end, I am so glad this week is almost at an end!  But wait!  Saturday and Sunday both booked solid with church, meetings and banquets, and Girl Scout Cookie pickup and deliveries!   Have you ever wondered if your kids really know what a trash can is?  I have!  Every time you turn around you find more trash.  They just drop and keep right on going then come back and just step right over whatever it is they dropped.   How many times a day does your vacuum cleaner run? Oh, how the housework is NEVER done.   My mind is a frazzle when I actually stop and realize just what all goes on in a weeks time - no wonder it all just flies by!  CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!!  I am so glad that my Herbalife Products give me the energy I need to get through all of this!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Core Nutrition Basics

Basic Core Nutrition is the key to healthy weight management, good health, and healthy weight-loss.  Check out this video by  Luigi Gratton, M.D., M.P.H.  from Herbalife as he explains the Importance Core Nutrition.  Enjoy!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

An Amazing Weekend...

Never let it be said that the Girl Scout Way is gone!  I just had an amazing weekend with my fellow leaders camping at the Adult Scouters' Retreat Weekend.  I learned a lot and had so much fun!  I learned more about myself- my strengths and weaknesses- this weekend. I actually went the entire weekend without one single cigarette!  Wow! Guess I just quit!  We went hiking, did crafts, and enjoyed a campfire circle.  I think the greatest thing I learned is I am just like everyone else.  There is no reason to be scared to be yourself.  No one is any better than me!  What a revelation this weekend was.  I am always so shy and quiet because I just do not want anyone think of me as embarrassing.  Is my low self esteem showing again?  OOPS!  Yes, I am as smart, as strong, as beautiful, as hard working, as ANYTHING as anyone else.  I am very glad that I have gotten involved in Scouting.  I think it has been better for me than my daughter so far.  I guess I was having a real hard time realizing just how small that box around me had gotten.  Then I started my own business and joined the Girl Scouts with my daughter.  The box started to grow and now I have met some of the most amazing ladies that I just cannot wait to learn more from!  Yes, I really am stretching and growing!  There really is no reason to be so shy and meek.  Will the real me please stand?  Here I am and I am ready to shine!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

a new life ....

Well I have started a new life here very recently and it has been amazing!  I am pretty shy by nature so putting me out there on a blog is a BIG major step, but so much has changed in my life in the last year that I want to share.  I am a busy mom of three beautiful children, and my husband is very supportive and loving.  I was very overweight and depressed and no rays of sunshine could get through, not even when brought in by my blessed family.  But then I started my own Work from Home Business in which I sell very nutritional herbal products. Then I lost 45 pounds and over 35 inches!  Then my self esteem started to blossom and I started to gain more confidence in myself.  Low and behold the clouds have lifted, the rays of sunshine have broken through and my life is back on track.  The most amazing thing is the volunteering I have been doing for our local Girl Scouts and my daughter’s troop!  I know that all of this is only possible because of the change in my frame of mind!  

Monday, January 31, 2011

Check out the Recipes Tab!

I am still in the process of building this blog site but I wanted to share the new "RECIPES" tab!  I will try to feature a new recipe using the Herbalife products on a regular basis so check back often!  There really is no EASIER plan to follow than the Herbalife plan no matter what your needs are.  Perfect for weight-loss, weight gain, or to maintain, and for the most important reason of all is to gain a Healthy Lifestyle!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hi, my name is Laura, and welcome to my Herbalife Blog.  My goal is to help you improve your nutritional well-being through the use of High Quality nutritional products. Herbalife products provide a great way to lose weight, plus gain energy and help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Please check back from time to time to hear about the great products Herbalife has to offer!You can contact me to purchase your own personalized weigh-loss program by CLICKING HERE.

Thank you and if you have any questions you may email me at
blschindler.herbalife  at