My Story

My name is Laura Schindler and I would like to share with you my weight loss journey.  When I began the Herbalife products what I was actually looking for was an income that would allow me to stay at home with my three children.  What I found was simply amazing!  I knew that in order to sell the Herbalife products I had to be familiar with them and try them myself.  Man, am I a Believer NOW! I never imagined the results would be this fantastic!  I myself have always thought of the word DIET as a Four Letter Word that was meant to go unsaid!  In fact, anytime I said the word DIET I immediately became HUNGRY!  Yes, I was overweight, bordering on obese, and at only 5’ 1” you can only imagine how I actually felt!  I was slow, tired, lazy, and always needing a nap; it took just about anything I could do just to make it through a day.  I also suffered several ailments of course because of this lifestyle.  I had heartburn to the point that I lived on prescription medication, antacids, and milk every night before bed and prayed it would get me through the night.  Blood Pressure just starting to hit the point of needing to be paid greater attention to.  Knees that popped and pained with every step I took, facing the possibility of surgery at some point.  Blood sugar levels also starting to creep out of the “good” zone.  Constantly sick with one cold after another.
Well, that was my life before I found Herbalife! I was amazed at the results I had right from the very first day!  You see, I also was a very heavy soda drinker and we all know just how bad these are for you.  From the very beginning when starting Herbalife the dark veil from all the toxins I had been feeding my body started to lift.  I began to have more energy, no longer fighting to stay awake all day.  In the first few days my head felt clearer.  My eyes brightened up and my energy continued to soar.  After that first full week when I got on the scale I had actually lost 8 lbs, and I was not even using the products as recommended!  So, I thought if I can get this kind of result only doing a weight loss program half way imagine what would happen if I actually followed the Herbalife Weight Loss Program as described!  I mean, I loved the Formula One Shakes, loved the way the vitamins and supplements made me feel, and I love the protein snack bars.  There really is no easier plan anywhere!  I started keeping track of my weight loss and taking my measurements on a regular schedule and was delighted as the pounds and inches just started melting away.  Before I knew it, 20 lbs were gone and 15 inches were gone!  I felt absolutely fantastic!!  The very best part about all of this is that at no time since beginning my Herbalife products did I ever feel jittery or jumpy the way those "DIET SUPPLEMENTS" can make you feel.  In fact, I had never felt better!  Keeping a journal of my weight loss results, I noticed that some weeks were more pounds lost while other weeks were more inches lost, but within a period of four months I had lost a total of 45 lbs, and over 35 total inches!  I dropped from a size 2X top and 18-20 pant, to a size 12 jean/10 skirt and a size Medium top!  I was blown away!  I followed up with my doctor about six month after starting the program.  I have been a patient of hers for almost 15 years and she could not believe the difference in me!  My cholesterol actually dropped almost 20 points!  She had never seen my blood pressure and blood sugars look so good!  Also, the heartburn she had always treated me for was COMPLETELY GONE, and my knees no longer hurt or popped!  Like so many people do, I have always suffered from allergies, and always had fluid that just would not go away in my ears – GONE!  She just could not believe how different and how much healthier I was becoming! 
I still continue my weight-loss journey today and still continue to feel better and more energetic than I ever have in all of my 43 years!  Yes, I still have much more to go, a 5” 1’ body can only carry so much weight, and I am sorry to say I was pushing my body to its outer limits.  I know that with Herbalife I will reach my goal.  Please join me as I continue to pursue my goal and reach that HEALTHY, beautiful girl I know is still inside me just waiting to SHINE!!!!